Thursday, September 27, 2012

Running in Wonderland

An account of a 90-minute run at Corkins Lodge, between 8000 and 9000 feet above sea level, in which the runner experiences altitude sickness and consequent loss of capacity for structured thinking.

We begin the race by running down unrighteous pathways to receive our free lunch in the Energy Bar, located down the nervous system pathways, first door to the left, near the frayed and tattered clothing next to the bed.

This hallucinatory relic is firm reminder of a terraced, labrynthian aqueous abode - no trace of which any longer survives. Trout fishing season peaks here in August.

By throwing the impact area toward either forefoot or mid foot, one feels the quiver and totality of strained calf muscles up the wet steps and onto the upthrusts.

Slowly the river seeps moisture into your beard, and holds it there for as long as it takes you to shave.

His ascent is also the most potent evidence yet that last year’s nuclear disaster at ... we're sorry (next slide please)

At the news conference afterward, a reporter pressed him to say whether he thought waterboarding was torture, and Mr. Romney replied, “I don’t.”

"Please send a snapshot of the weird shoes!" demanded the Girl From Rio...

Near the aspen grove I jogged past a member of the cast - lost for some 43 years - who recited her line: "The only good human is a dead human!"

A number of competitors are believed to have melted down - especially those of the second register  - bearing sphinxes and wanton minxes on the third try.

Said the rabbit to the beaver “You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness.

In the home stretch the course pierced the looking glass, so we ran through it darkly:

In some cultures and religions, minor amputations or mutilations are considered a ritual accomplishment … however unlike some non-mammalian animals (such as lizards that shed their tails, salamanders that can regrow many missing body parts, and hydras, flatworms, and starfish that can regrow entire bodies from small fragments), once removed, human extremities do not grow back. [source]

Next to the pool is the sauna, open during the winter months.

This concludes today's report. It is now T-minus 24 days until the Amsterdam Marathon.

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